You do not need to have a perfect professional photo for me to accurately portray your pet, but there are some photos that make for good drawings and others that do not. Here is some advice to follow when choosing or taking a reference photo for me to work from!
- Too dark, can’t see true fur colors or details
- If it is a sunny day, avoid having the sun behind your subject as this can cast some unflattering shadows. Bright but overcast days are ideal
- Too blurry
- Unable to see details
- Photos looking down on your pet can skew their proportions
- Too far away
- Clear & good lighting
- Can see small details, the direction & colors of the fur (the more detail in the photo the better)
- Taken in natural daylight & outdoors
- It’s important to capture that expression that you love about your pet the most
- Ultimately it is your decision on what pose or look you want from your pet as you know that certain personality that portrays them best
- Taken at dogs eye level, around body length away
- The eyes are the windows to their soul so make sure they are clearly visible
* I understand that in some circumstances your pet may be no longer here, therefore you might only have a select few photographs to choose from. In instances like this I try my best to draw from the photographs you do have, as I know how heartbreaking it is losing a pet.
If you have any questions or concerns about your photos then please do get in touch as I can discuss the best options with you!